It’s Claim To Fame elimination time again. That’s three contestants down, and three pretty big names revealed. So far we’ve said goodbye to Tom Hanks’ niece (Carly Reeves, of viral meltdown fame, who has since apologized for her behavior on the show), Neil deGrasse Tyson’s son Tyson, and now Jane has been revealed as the niece of Dolly Parton. Her guess that Chris is related to Elvis Presley was wrong (we’re still pretty sure it’s Donny Osmond), so she was sent home. Oh, and her name isn’t actually Jane, it’s Jada Star. So long, Jane/Jada. We’ll miss your adorable outfits and misplaced confidence.
As we’ve been doing this season, all the new clues have been added (in bold) to the ones we’ve already collected. As usual, the new intel has given us some interesting lines of inquiry to pursue. There was one cluster of clues from the wall that stood out to us, but we didn’t include it below because we’re not yet sure who they belong to. Hugo pointed out the “cage free” egg carton, Washington Monument, Declaration of Independence, and possibly a reference to Ghost Rider could be leading to Nicolas Cage. We now know that it’s not Chris, as he suspected, but he could be onto something there. The rest of the hints are listed below the remaining players.

- Two truths and a lie: star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (other answers edited out)
- Looks and sings like his famous relative
- Monay, who won this week’s challenge, picked his pictogram clue. The first part of it definitely translates to “puppy love teen idol” followed by an arrow pointing to an end bracket and seven Ts, as in “through the ‘70s.”
- He also mentioned that his relative was “big in the ’70s”
- Our guess: He’s the son of Donny Osmond, who had a hit single called “Puppy Love” in the early ’70s.
- When he heard the “Puppy Love” clue he knew it was his and not Jane’s. Dolly Parton also had a single called “Puppy Love.”

- Two truths and a lie: father (other answers edited out)
- Picked spray painting as his talent

- Two truths and a lie: brother, athlete, NAACP award
- Lied about brother being an athlete
- Looks nothing like his brother
- His relative was born in San Diego, California
- Has been working for his brother, carrying his bags and gear
- The picture clue revealed after the headshot challenge showed him with beanie cap, drumsticks, and a star logo
- Our guess: We believe Gabriel’s brother is Nick Cannon, who has won an NAACP award, hosted America’s Got Talent, was in the movie Drumline, and was born in San Diego.

- Two truths and a lie: grandfather, athlete, Nobel Prize
- Lied about grandfather being an athlete
- Grandfather was once the most powerful man in the world
- We caught a cluster of clues on the clue wall this week that seem to point to Hugo’s relative being a certain political figure—the Statue of Liberty, some peanuts, a donkey, and a big “D”
- Our guess: He’s the grandson of former president Jimmy Carter

- Two truths and a lie: brother (other answers edited out)
- Lied about brother being an NBA player
- His relative was born in Lithia Springs, Georgia
- The picture clue revealed after the headshot challenge showed him with a chef hat and a pacifier

- Two truths and a lie: musician (other answers edited out)
- Sang off key as her “talent”
- Shayne picked her pictogram clue, which showed a trophy, an eraser, minus E, who, two records, for, and a mug of beer. Winning racer who records for beer? Still working on it.

- Two truths and a lie: father, athlete, Emmy award
- Said lying is her strategy
- Won the challenge and picked Chris for her clue, but couldn’t decipher it
- The picture clue revealed after the headshot challenge showed her with a fedora, a cloud with a lightning bold, and a chain with a lock around her neck
- Our guess: We’re down with the theory that she’s related to Steve Harvey

- Two truths and a lie: Razzie award
- The rest of her clues were edited out, but she used a male pronoun
- The picture clue revealed after the headshot challenge showed her with a red cross, alien antennae headband, and New Year’s Eve glasses

- Two truths and a lie: father, musician, Grammy award
- Travis revealed a pictogram puzzle clue related to her with two possible Eddie Murphy references—Coming To America and Buckwheat (a character he played on SNL)
- Thanks to Travis sharing his clue about her with Gabriel while Chris eavesdropped, pretty much everyone is guessing she’s related to Eddie Murphy
- Told a story about her celebrity relative, who was friends with Michael Jackson and took her, her older brother, and younger sister to Neverland Ranch when she was little
- Her celebrity relative was born in 1961
- Our guess: She’s definitely related to Eddie Murphy
That’s it as far as new information this week. Stay tuned for further updates following episode four, which airs on July 17 at 8 pm ET on ABC.